3月29日,加拿大移民局發出7000份永久居留申請邀請. 最低綜合排名得分為481.

Business Immigration

2023 年 3 月 29 日,特快通道邀請了七千名最低 最低綜合排名得分為 481 的候選人申請加拿大永久居留權。 2019 年,加拿大移民局 以申請人的健康狀況為由拒絕了 四千份永久居留申請。 確定申請人的健康狀況始於標準體檢,例如血液和尿液檢查以及 X 光檢查。此外,加拿大會評估移民申請人的先前醫療記錄和精神狀態,以根據其健康狀況最終決定是否允許申請人進入加拿大。經過評估後,如果您被認為因健康狀況不允許移民加拿大,將是出於以下三個原因。 危害公眾健康 根據體檢結果和健康史等信息,已確定個人的健康狀況將危害公共健康。 危害公共安全 在評估了一個人突然精神或身體喪失行為能力的可能性以及他們發生不可預測或暴力行為的風險後,加拿大移民局決定,他們的健康狀況對公共安全構成威脅。 對健康/社會服務的過度需求 申請人或其家人之健康問題會對加拿大的醫療/或社會服務帶來壓力,因為“治療和管理健康所需的服務條件的成本可能會超成本門檻。” 注:根據加拿大政府指引,2022 年的成本門檻為每年 24,057 加幣(五年內為 120,285 加幣) 儘管如此,如有健康問題,並不等於申請人無緣移民加拿大。如果閣下健康狀況可能影響加拿大申請移民,請聯繫本公司,以便協助準備必要文件。 The Express Draw on March 29, 2023 invited 7000 candidates with the lowest CRS score of 481 to apply for permanent residency in Canada. The federal minimum wage is CAD 16.65 as of April 01, 2023. In line with the rising federal minimum wage, employers must pay their workers whichever rate is higher between the federal minimum wage or the minimum wage in their province/territory of operation. In 2019, IRCC refused 4,000 permanent residency applications due to the applicants’ medical conditions. Determining medical inadimissibility begins with standard medical examinations such as blood and urine tests as well as x-rays. Furthermore, Canada assesses both the prior medical records and mental state of an immigration applicant to make a final decision on whether the individual is admissible to Canada based on their health. After being assessed, if you are deemed medically inadmissible to Canada, it will be for one of three reasons. Danger to public health Based on things like medical exam results and health history, a determination has been made that an individual’s health condition will endanger public health. Danger to public safety After assessing an individual’s potential for sudden mental or physical incapacity as well as their risk of unpredictable or violent behaviour, officers have decided that they are a public safety threat due to their health. Excessive demand for health/social services If deemed inadmissible under this provision, it has been decided that the individual’s health condition will put a strain on health and/or social services in Canada by negatively affecting service wait times or requiring excessive spending because “the services needed to treat and manage the health condition would likely cost more than the excessive demand cost threshold.” Note: According to the Canadian government, the 2022 excessive demand cost threshold of $24,057 per year ($120,285 over five years) Despite the above, it is important to understand that a designation of ‘medically inadmissible to Canada’ does not always mark the end of one’s journey to Canada. It can be hard to understand how medical inadmissibility works, especially when trying to understand this complex subject matter on your own. Please contact us if your medical condition may hinder your dream of immigrating to Canada. You may be able to help you prepare the necessary documents.