
Overcoming Inadmissibility

2017年3月8日下午約4時05分,一名男子在下的士時被警務人員攔截。 搜查被告人的行李和隨身攜帶的塑料袋,搜出87件衣物和40個衣架。它們屬於中環一家服裝店,價值 14,553 港幣 約2000 加幣。 在加拿大,入店行竊和盜竊價值低於 5000 加幣的物品被視為簡易程序犯罪;超過 5000加幣被視為可起訴的罪行,並受到更嚴厲的懲罰。然而,入店行竊或盜竊貴重物品在香港被視為可起訴的罪行。此人可能因此不可入境加拿大 At around 4:05pm on 8th March 2017, a person was intercepted by Police officers upon getting off a taxi. The defendant’s luggage and the plastic bag the person was carrying were searched and 87 pieces of clothing items and 40 hangers were found. They belong to a clothing store in Central and are worth $14,553. Shoplifting and theft of items valued under $5000 is considered a summary offence in Canada; over $5000 it can be considered an indictable offence with more severe punishments. However, shoplifting or theft of items valued is considered an indictable offence in Hong Kong. This person may be considered criminally inadmissible to Canada.