自 2023 年 4 月 6 日起,加拿大移民局允許留學生申請將畢業後工簽再延長 18 個月。

Temporary Residence

自2023年4月6日起,留學生可申請將已過期或即將過期畢業後工簽再延長18個月。 有限工簽持有人只可以在指定僱主公司工作。如果不再為此僱主工作,可以在有限工簽到期前留在加拿大,但在獲得另一工簽前不能再加工作 某些類別的永久居留申請人如技術移民、加拿大經驗類、省提名計劃和加拿大境內配偶擔保以及已在加拿大完畢業的國際學生,可以申請有限工簽。 As of April 06, 2023, international students whose post graduate work permits have expired or are expiring can apply to have another 18 months of extension. Close work permits are those who linked to a specific employer. If you are no longer working for the employer, you can stay in Canada until the expiry date of the work permit but cannot work until another work permit is issued. Open work permits are not linked to specific employers. If you are waiting for your permanent residency application approval under certain categories – federal skilled worker, Canadian experience Class, Provincial Nominee Program and In-Canada spousal sponsorship and international students who have completed their programs of study in Canada, they can apply for open work permits.