
Temporary Residence

一名來自伊朗的 21 歲申請人在伊朗完成電腦工程學位的同時,被多倫多 Seneca 學院的電腦編程文憑課程錄取。 加拿大移民局 以在伊朗和加拿大重複的學習項目為由拒絕了他的學簽。加拿大聯邦法院同意 移民局 的決定並駁回了其司法審查申請 A 21-year-old applicant from Iran was accepted to attend a Diploma program in Computer Programing at Seneca College in Toronto while completing his Computer Engineering Degree in Iran. IRCC refused his study permit application citing repetitive programs of study in both Iran and Canada. The Federal Court of Canada agreed with the IRCC’ decision and dismissed his Judiciary Review application