
Overcoming Inadmissibility

在申請犯罪記錄前,我們通常建議客戶首先採取以下步驟: - 網上預約前往香港警察總部 - 提交個人犯罪記錄摘要申請表 - 約兩週後再次預約到訪香港警察總部,親自領取犯罪記錄摘要 - 向香港相關法院申請獲取審判證明書、訴訟記錄和其他與您的定罪有關的文件 - 如果上述文件不是英文或法文,請聘請翻譯公司將文件翻譯成英文或法文。 Preparing a criminal rehabilitation application, we normally advise our clients to take the following steps first: - Book an appointment to visit Hong Kong Police Headquarter - Submit an access to personal information to obtain your own criminal record summary - Book another appointment to visit the Hong Kong Police Headquarter approximately two week later to receive the criminal record summary in person - Apply to the respective courts in Hong Kong to obtain certificate of trial, proceeding recordings and other documents relating to your convictions - If the above documents are not in English or French, engage a translating company to translate the documents into English or French.