到 2025 年,安大略省的技術移民人數將增加一倍,達到 18,000 人

Business Immigration

安大略省將撥款 4000 萬加元以提升該省移民審批基礎設施,因該省正準備到 2025 年將其技術移民人數翻陪,達至 18,000 人,以解決持續勞工短缺問題。 2023年3月27日,加拿大抵押和住房公司修改了《禁止非加拿大人購買住宅房產法》,允許工簽持有人購買房產。工簽有效期必須為 183 天或以上。不再需要報稅證明和加拿大工作經驗。 根據加拿大統計局 2022 年的一份報告,新移民抵達加拿大後在當地讀書的收入高於不讀書的人。這可能是由於通過參加當地教育提升了兩種官方語言的程度。 The province of Ontario will spend CAD 40 million to upgrade its immigration processing infrastructure as the province is getting ready to double its economic immigrants to 18,000 by 2025 as a strategy to solve the on-gong labor shortage program. On March 27, 2023, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation amended the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act, allowing work permit holders to purchase properties. The work permits must have 183 days or more of validity. And proof of tax filing and Canadian working experience are no longer required. According to a Statistic Canada Report in 2022, new immigrants who study in Canada upon arrival earn more than those who do not study. This is probably due to improvement in the proficiency of the two official languages through participating in local education.